Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mountain Meltdown Ups and Downs

I have a love-hate relationship with fitness comps. I love the pushing my body to its limits and I love a challenge. But I hate the struggle. I can never seem to keep up with some of the other athletes. I have done a handful of competitions and after every competition, I walk away disappointed. The Mountain Meltdown was no exception.

This would be the second time I’ve tackled this event. The first time was during its inaugural year in 2014. I didn’t compete last year as I was still recovering from giving birth. This year’s event had 5 workouts spread across a 2 mileish run.

The Good:

The weather held
Success with sled pushes
Success with lunges
Success with back squats
The swag bag
Running through the 2002 Winter Olympic Park

The Bad:

The altitude
The struggle with box jumps
The hike up the bobsled track

The Ugly:

Tore my hand on the pull-up bar
Couldn’t do rope climbs because I tore my hand
My finish time

At least I didn’t finish last. I will call that a win. Next competition is slated for the first weekend of June. I was supposed to compete in a few weeks in a team event. Unlikely I will make gains between now and then and I don't want to hold up the team. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Some of my latest photos. I am less than amateur when it comes to taking photographs. All photos are free for download at 

Not Another Fitness Blog

I know what you are thinking: “Here is another fitness blog. How original.” And I get it. There are like thousands of fitness fanatics who all seem to have his or her own place on the Internet. And I read these blogs from time to time. This blog is defiantly not garnering any gold stars or anything. I will be lucky to upload one post a week. This blog is for me. I call it accountability. Let me explain.

About 15 months ago, I had a baby. Shortly after giving birth, I made it a goal to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a year of giving birth. Well, here we are, 15 months later and I still have like 15 pounds to go. What. The. Fuck. Yes, I swear. A lot. I blame the kid. Any ways, I have a goal to shed at least 3 of those pounds by the end of May. We will call it a mid-year resolution.

Since I am terrible at charting my progress, I figured I would force myself to keep an online journal of sorts. I can see my progress and hold myself accountable if I fail. How? Maybe I will cut out a diet coke or two. Probably should be doing that already, but you probably don’t want to read my posts if I haven’t had my fix. Score 1 for the soda industry.

So 3 pounds is the goal. I have a fitness competition on the horizon and a 10K in Colorado over Memorial Day weekend. Why such a small increment you might ask? Because I am realistic. I have a full time job and a kid. I don’t exactly have time to kick it at the gym for hours on end. And diet? I refuse to starve myself in the interest of seeing numbers drop on the scale. If I want a hamburger, I will eat a hamburger. Sorry folks. If you were hoping for some amazing diet tips or something along those lines, you’ve come to the wrong blog. I may share a healthy recipe on occasion. And that is maybe. I’m not exactly a cook.

So yes, here is another fitness blog. Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Political rants and mommy war rhetoric is not.

